Thursday, September 23, 2010

Portuguese Water Dog PUPPIES FOR SALE

Pepsi's championship puppies are available for sale at Bayport Water Dogs; breeders who ensure all puppies are socialized with children, healthy and vet checked and appropriate shots etc, sires bred for championship lines, temperament and all around fun puppies.

Pepsi is an adorable mom, is learning to count to make sure all puppies are where she wants them and takes such good care of them. It is funny to watch because any other PWD around her, male or female, all poke their heads in, give Pepsi an hello and gently lick the puppies heads to ensure they are ok. I wish I had a picture of a 65 lb dog licking the head of a pup, all stretched out is about 8" long; as big as the gentle giants paw.

Make sure you fill out your application quickly. I have provided a link for you. There are only 2 girls and I know one is sold. The breeder is Pam and she is always willing to answer questions and have you check out the puppies and where they live.


Sunday, September 19, 2010

An Alternate Theory - Complex and Diabolical

The saga continues. With deliberate intent. A gaggle of fools continue their attempts to discredit a reputable business and their owner. But, "they" are using a make believe world to keep themselves safe?

             I am so naive sometimes. And, when I find out what passed over my head, I cannot believe I could be so gullible. Why didn't I think of this before? The silly part is that only a very few people knew the inside story, knew it was a joke, was laughable and unbelievable from the beginning, and not even about the real topic that continues to plague an innocent family

Did she deliberately have untruths printed, thinking no one could disprove the information because the person blurting out the information wasn't even a real person? But, a real person comes forth with the truth, telling the real story about something that has absolutely nothing to do with the blog topic and blows everything out of the water.

One of the things I learned from a brilliant professor, who taught my creative writing class, at U of T,  was how to tell the truth when writing a work of fiction. That you have to believe and make the rest of the world believe in what you are telling them. But, if it wasn't believed to begin with, it would not fly. That is why I finally caught on.

You see, too many things didn't make sense to me. Not only didn't they make sense, there was such a risk of slander liability that I was astounded that the people involved  continued to publish such untruths.

Now, here is where I am at a loss. Is it an untruth if you are using fictitious names to discredit someone? Let us say, hypothetically, that someone, using the name of an historical figure, respond to a blog and continues to state blatant lies. It becomes a work of fiction but is attached to a real life blog intended to harm real people. Is the person using a fictitious name libel for the blatant untruths spoken on a published website? 

Why didn't the  (hypothetical) historical person fear the law; because to slander someone and/or their business, is an illegal offense, chargeable in a court of law with serious consequences. But, if the person responding is using a make believe name, who will get charged? Who is stating the untruth.

For example, let's say I typed in the name Charles V B, in the google search engine, knowing this person was reportedly a war hero in the 1890's. Now, to continue the hypothesis, let's say that Charles V B is following a blog that is published for all to read. Knowingly using a fictitious name (because the real CVB died in the late 1800's and no new births were recorded with that name - hypothetically speaking), he adds insult to injury by telling more unbelievable and ridiculous statements. Is the pretender libel for his slanderous dribble? Or, because he is not using his own name, can he deny ever saying that, thinking no one could prove otherwise. Diabolical! 

A make believe tale, intentionally written  as a lie to seriously harm an honest family? Does that make it fiction? Or truth, developed by people so devious as to create a novel within the supposedly true story, published for all to read, with one intent.

    Because they did not like the outcomes in their own lives. They didn't follow normal procedures for the situation they were in, never had facts validated, in fact, swept everything under the carpet before real research could begin. 

The game of blame became a story, one I may even write about. Add a murderer and we have a mystery fiction worthy of the Best Sellers list.

      I should be careful. I am thinking on paper about writing a book of fiction. Will this be turned into another reason someone takes the blame for nothing to do with them?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Today, I cut and pasted the response I sent to the unknown author of a blog      
entitled:   Problems with Bayport Water Dog, posted Aug 17, 2010 

I posted this to my own blog because it is important to me that people know the truth, about my life, people in my life, dogs in my life. I am an advocate for many things, but truth is at the top.

But, my response sent was deleted as were other peoples responses that did not agree with the woman who wrote the blog. Removed, discarded, deleted, just gone. . Because I don't have a name, I will just call her, "Problem" so we can differentiate between which blog I refer to.

Why, I asked myself?  Was I removed because (yikes, I cannot believe I made a typo in the very first word, something that will haunt me as a would be writer) because of typing errors. I was writing in haste, my incredulity overwhelming. Theories abound, but of course come back to reality. Because, the other people who responded to "Problem" wrote before I did, defending and offering inarguable facts to counter "Problems" blog. Yes, they were deleted too.
Truth hurts. And, it forces us to look at ourselves. Sometimes that is manifested in unusual ways, particularly if we do not want to admit or apologize or even think we know the truth.

For example, it is suspicious if we refuse to show our name in the profile section or any details at all. This is particularly so if the information changes from the original post. Oh, we don't have to disclose our personal information if we fear harm, but a name, something to validate that the whole blog isn't a story or a work of fiction. Give us something. Or, give us the truth.

I cannot speak for others or make guesses and I have no intention of judging. I want to address a few items in "Problems" blog, by herself or others she has allowed to remain on her blogs. As well, I will expand on my own experience with Pam, the reputable breeder and owner of Bayport Water Dogs

One report stated that Pam over bred her dogs for money, "a money breeder" she was called. I have a lovely PWD from the only PWD breeder in southern Ontario that I would even consider working with. I did speak with other PWD breeders and PWD rescuers and was appalled at conditions, especially where rescue dogs were kept. When I first met Pam, she thought it was a good idea that I take in a rescue dog or doggy sit for PWD`s waiting for permanent homes, because PWD`s are unlike any other dog you may want to adopt.. I did that, fell in love and the next step was my own bundle of energy, Pepsi.

During the first 18 months of Pepsi's life, Pam came to my home to take Pepsi for testing, various kinds, at different stages for different durations. Pepsi came back with 100% flying colours, or she would not breed. But, when it was time for Pepsi to first breed, I was ill. Pam kindly took Pepsi back to her home and cared for her until I was well enough to have her home. Pepsi is very high energy, as all PWD's are and I could not walk well so could not take her for long walks. Pam and I both agreed it was better to wait for Pepsi to breed until things were back to normal. The back & forth was upsetting to Pepsi (and me) and Pam felt we were better left to heal together before breeding. This was heat 3. 

Good news. Pepsi, after her 4th heat, just gave birth to 10, yes 10, healthy puppies. You see, these are very large dogs. It is silly to suggest they would have 3 or 4 puppies as they would be so huge in mom's tummy they would not pass through the birth canal. 10 was a lot, 8 normal for a 1st litter but she was on her 4th heat. I know who she was bred with, how old he is, what other pups he sired, his championship lines, his rest schedules and, of course, I know the whole story about Pepsi. I first brought her home when she was 12 weeks old.
   I think it is fair to say, my dog is NOT OVER BRED and PAM CARED MORE FOR MY FEELINGS AND PEPSI'S WELL BEING THEN "money breeding".

Several blogs suggested Pam would not return phone calls. You are right, under certain circumstances. Let me give you an example.
   At about 1:00AM, Wednesday morning, Pepsi started into labour and finished delivering puppies and all were cleaned, information recorded, documents filled out etc, around 1:00PM. Pam sat with Pepsi throughout and I sat there for hours helping out. The phone rang non-stop. I don`t know how she manages that on a regular day. I would unplug the phone, but she is running a business and this is normal. Pam is also a very active community member, keeping her active as she helps out. 
However, for this day, and like any other day Pam is delivering puppies, she sits with them, cleans them up, makes sure the whelping bed is clean and disinfected at all times (this is messy work), keeping other puppies warm when Pepsi is pushing a pup out or cleaning other puppies. It is a non-stop process and between the two of us (I wanted to be at Pepsi`s birthing and knew how to deliver) we were hopping & mopping, Pam was getting puppies warmed and cleaning them and charting birth order and tagging and on and on. I don`t know how she does this on her own.
? I think not. 
   But, Pam takes calls, I watch her. Pam is professional at all times, informative and knowledgeable. She has dignity and will not allow people to name call, yell, swear or argue. She responds, in her quiet, gentle way, that she will happily call back when that person calms down so they can speak about solutions.

I am in total disbelief at the lies flying around that have the power to seriously damage this family. It is unconscionable!  Bayport Water Dogs is a business that was built on one woman`s knowledge, education, integrity and diligence, to support her children and herself, as she continues to do. There are records to support all of the health tests every Bayport Water Dog undergoes, where the dogs are purchased, lineage, breeding, selling and so on. Do you not think veterinarians and CKC and every other club Pam belongs to has records validating her unquestionable ethics

Truth wins out. 